Friday, June 24, 2011

Numbers and New Adventures

Yesterday was our last day at Camp Kid. We treated 200 patients, handed out TOMS Shoes, and distributed 4,970 pounds of rice. I will let the photos speak for themselves. Also, I am excited to share that this week we treated around 500 patients at Soline and 350 at Camp Kid. It was a lot of hard work, sweat, and dedication but definitely worth it in the end. It's hard to believe we treated almost 1,000 patients in four days with only 14 medical personnel, 7 translators, and a few staff members.

 We were able to work alongside a Haitian physician

 Shelly hard at work.

Colton loading up the clinic with rice.

More rice...

 Such a beautiful baby. I wish my camera would've focused on her rather than the hand in the background :(.

Women of Camp Kid standing in line waiting to get rice.

 Ginette translating for Rob, the physician, before the distribution.

After clinic we visited Tree of Life to assess the children in the Medika Mamba program. We had 2 boys graduate; Dukenz and Smit. The other 3 girls are still in the program and continue to gain weight. They look GREAT! I always look forward to Thursdays because I know it means a trip to Tree of Life. I am getting to know all the children and staff well and really enjoy the atmosphere.

Natalie: Before

Natalie: After 3 weeks

Elemnia: Before
Elemnia: After 3 weeks

After 3 weeks

Smit: Before
Smit: After 3 weeks he graduated from the program

Dukenz: Before
Dukenz: After 3 weeks he graduated from the program.

A couple of nights ago I was asked by Randy if I would be interested in working at a cholera clinic in up in the mountains. I instantly said yes and am currently waiting for my ride to pick me up. I will be going alone for the weekend but will be in good hands. I was informed the facility has around 75 patients and only one nurse has been caring for all of them at night. Hopefully when I arrive I can help take half of her load. The program that I will be helping is called Real Hope For Haiti. They also have a rescue center where malnourished children are rescued through Medika Mamba. Randy has told me these children are in much worse condition than the children you see above. I'm hoping to spend some time there too.

Have a good weekend and talk to you all Monday!

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