Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hope For Haiti

I was so sleepy last night that I forgot to share photos from our visit to Luly yesterday...

 The new school is showing progress everyday. Very exciting to see!

 They love photos.

My favorite

The children followed us everywhere.

 This is actually a photo of the bay where the program Food For The Poor was created a few years ago. This organization supplied Luly with boats and taught them better fishing techniques in order to feed the village and create jobs.
In Luly they sold us bags of water rather than bottled water. Three bags sold for 5 gourdes which equals about 12.5 cents in America.

Had to record a first.

Last night before presenting our thank you video to Randy we were shown a video which all made us think. I watched it the first time I came to Haiti in March and have approached poverty more cautiously the second time around. I encourage everyone to watch it because I was not aware of the issue before viewing the clip. Hope you all find it interesting:

I also wanted to inform you all of the situation regarding the importance of clean water this summer. It is hurricane season which means torrential rainfall, humid climates, and extremely hot days are to be expected in Haiti. Flooding can create contaminated water and the need for water filtration systems is on the rise. Staying hydrated and healthy will be a challenge for Haitians because the majority of them must travel to find water everyday and most of the time it's not clean.
World Wide Village has a special donation page for water purifying systems. Each system costs $500. I highly encourage all of my readers to take initiative to help raise funds for this cause whether that's through asking your church or family to support one or more water filtration systems. The need is great and we have the power to provide clean water for one life, one family, one country.

Click the link below to donate under Water Purifying System now:


  1. Phenominal video. Very eye-opening.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've never seen bagged water like that I'm glad you documented your first time! Also, that video was great, so interesting. I loved the part when a man talked about those who stand to lose from change hold all the power... so true. Keep up the good work and the great blog I love reading it!

    ..Ugh I accidentally deleted my other comment.
