Sunday, June 19, 2011

All In Good Time

I have great news! We went to follow up with the children's home Tree of Life this past Thursday regarding the medika mamba program and ALL of the children gained weight!! It's so exciting to see the program really working. The staff said the children don't want to eat it anymore but they are making them finish the required amount everyday. It feels good to be apart of their healing process and I can't wait to remeasure them next week.

Joey measuring Elemina

Andrea and "Ginette's Child"

After measuring we all colored with the children. The home is very small consisting of 25 children.

Dukenz having fun with my camera.

Steph, another intern, making a few new friends.

Yesterday a medical team from West Virgina arrived which I'm very excited about. It's a team of 13 consisting of medical students, a dentist, nurses, physician, physical therapist, an LPN, and a nursing student. We are assigned to provide health care for two tent cities starting tomorrow and throughout all next week to provide health care. I'm really excited because I can finally utilize my skills and have medical personnel at my side for guidance and support. I expect it to be challenging and I'm certain I'll see medical issues I've only witnessed in my nursing books. I'm ready to witness these first hand and treat them the best way I can with what I'm supplied.

Today we took the medical team to our warehouse and collected a weeks worth of medical supplies. Before we headed back to the guest house we promised to stop by a childrens home to assess and treat the children. We assessed about 50 children who seemed to be well nourished and happy but many of them were covered in scabies. Scabies is a small mite that burrows in your skin and lays eggs which causes the skin to become very itchy. It is very contagious and spread by skin to skin contact. I'm hoping I didn't catch anything but if so it is very easily treated through topical ointments or a pill. We supplied medication to rid of scabies, worms, and provided daily vitamins for all the children. I really hope we can make it back there sometime soon to help figure out a plan in regards to their sleeping headquarters. The children sleep inside a home which is awesome compared to other homes I've seen, but unfortunately the rooms are not as clean as I had hoped for. It definitely needs a deep cleaning and fresh mattresses to rid of the scabies for good. Hopefully sometime in the near future we can start a few projects there with incoming teams! Alex took a ton of photos of the children and the medical team hard at work. Check out new photos tomorrow night it out at


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